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Application Assessment (Web/Mobile/Code Review)

Hitachi Systems Security’s Application Assessments help your organization fully understand the vulnerabilities in your applications, whether it’s a public website serving customers, a third-party supplier interface into corporate CRM or even stand-alone applications. With a Web Application Vulnerability Assessment or Application Penetrating Testing, you will understand your corporate security posture and receive actionable recommendations on how to perform remediation of the vulnerabilities discovered in your environment, including potentially required patches, code changes, access adjustments and more.

Added Value

We identify the feasibility of exploiting vulnerabilities, the impact on success, and how to reduce risk to acceptable business levels. All of this is provided in a flexible reporting structure that is tailored to your specific requirements.

Hitachi systems security vulnerabilities and impact

Identifying Vulnerabilities and Impact

Identify vulnerabilities and the potential impact at the infrastructure, application and operational levels using testing standards such as OWASP, CIS, SANS or NIST.

Hitachi systems security security posture

Security Posture Overview

Provide an accurate view of your website’s security posture as presented to potential attackers.

Hitachi systems security determine business risks

Determine Business Risks

Determine the level of real-world business risk for your auditors, executive management, security staff and infrastructure professionals.

Service Elements

Perform Intelligence Gathering

Determine what is known about the application(s) or company that can be used during testing

Analyze the Application(s) and Determine Vulnerabilities

Understand security control points, user session management, data entry points, and error messages

Deliver the Report

Include identified vulnerabilities, prioritized according to their relative impact to your business with recommendations for remediation

Map the Application(s)

Understand the website pages, directory structure, naming conventions, application size, and type of technology used to serve web content

Test the Technical Vulnerabilities

Test the client side controls, authentication mechanisms, session management, access controls, input validation, logic flaws, infrastructure weaknesses, and application server weaknesses

Scope The Project

Understand the business intent of the application(s), understand the potential threats, and define the testing approach and the environment to be assessed

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Our team of security, compliance and privacy experts can act 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, helping you make impactful decisions for your business context. Our integrated cybersecurity and privacy services are designed to secure your business, align with your overall objectives and demonstrate ROI at the same time.
